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04.05.2024 11:06:02 uroos hat ein Thema kommentiert Exotik in Wiener Neustadt:  I'm also thinking about moving to another city. I was born and raised in Berlin, Germany, but I would really like to travel to Greenland, especially Nuuk, because I think the country has an amazing heritage. That would be appropriate because I already have the permission from this moving
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05.11.2020 15:07:52 derpington hat einen Ratschlag gegeben Ratgeber: Spirale schon ausprobiert?!
05.11.2020 15:06:30 derpington hat einen Ratschlag gegeben Ratgeber: Gewissheit bekommst du nur beim Arzt.
26.02.2015 17:17:09 malou hat einen Ratschlag gegeben Ratgeber: tut mir leid :/ such im internet nach einer selbsthilfegruppe vielleicht gibt es eine in deiner nähe oder ein internetforum. ansonsten kannst du deinen arzt danach fragen vielleicht hat er eine lösung für dich.
26.02.2015 17:12:26 malou hat einen Ratschlag gegeben Ratgeber: nicht jeder bekommt sie oder alle 4... ich hatte drei wurden jedoch alle entfernt. du kannst deinen zahnarzt oder kieferorthopäden fragen und ggf eine zweitmeinung einholen. wenn sie weh tun würde ich sie schon entfernen lassen viel glück
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Für alle, denen das nicht reicht, was sie bereits kennen und wissen. Für die, die gerne ausgefallene Sportarten machen oder sich gerne in verschiedene Richtungen weiterbilden wollen. Und natürlich auch für die, die sich hier ein paar dementsprechende Ideen einholen oder Erfahrungen austauschen möch
04.10.2015  |  Kommentare: 0

Prof. Dr. William Friedewald and more importantly Dr. Robert I. (Bob) Levy, the most important men in medicine and nobody knows this, not even they themselves.

Prof. Dr. William Friedewald and more importantly Dr. Robert I. (Bob) Levy, the most important men in medicine and nobody knows this, not even they themselves.
Bob Levy, Dr. Robert I. Levy has discovered that cholesterol and with that hormones are mutually dependent.

Prof. Dr. William Friedewald, the most important man in medicine and he doesn't know it, he is not even on Wikipedia. Bob Levy is actually the one who discovered it and William Friedewald was only the one who wrote it down and put his name first, because Friedewald is before Levy in the alphabet?

Levy found out that LDL can be calculated out of the "belly fat" triglyceride and with that he found the connection between lifestyle and the cholesterol situation as tank for particularly the messenger substance = the hormone testosterone.

The worldwide biggest database about family, relationships, sexuality and psychosomatics, the ARGE Psychosomatics/Loosreport - Dr. med. Julia Rüsch, Hans-Georg Zapotoczky & Partner has recognized what this Friedewald equation, which is supposed to be called Levy equation, proves, namely that cholesterol reducer, blood pressure reducer, are inevitably harmful to the point of being with lethal consequence.

Nobody knows that when he is holding the lab results of his blood about this LDL cholesterol (the allegedly bad, indeed good cholesterol) in his hands that this value is no value which is measured of blood but a value which is calculated out of belly fat.

This Friedewald, actually Levy equation proves that the cholesterol and triglyceride hormones are mutually dependent and therefore the influence on one triggers a catastrophe for the other one.

Hormones are messenger substances and the "messages" of family, relationships and psychosomatics, which influence cholesterol, triglycerides and hormones, are crucial.

When these connections of the Friedewald, Levy equation are not recognized, athletic bikers, for example, fall dead off the bike, etc.

The team of the ARGE Psychosomatics/Loosreport Julia Rüsch, Hans-Georg Zapotoczky & Partner, questionnaire on, have proven with their database what the Friedewald equation proves as well, that 95% of cardiovascular diseases are treated with an error in reasoning.

With Levy's discovery, Friedewald wrote down that cholesterol reducer could kill one and as a cardiologist he prescribes his patients these cholesterol reducers in unintelligible oversight.

The fact that the importance of this Friedewald, actually Levy, equation is not being recognized indicates that it is not even mentioned in the obituaries of Dr. Robert (Bob) Levy. Who also can't be found on Wikipedia - which is INSANE!

Bernhard Lanz



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